Gruppo Equality
cittadino italiano
hai la mia stessa
dignità sociale.
Nessuna discriminazione basata
sulla tua origine,
il tuo sesso,
la tua lingua,
la tua religione,
le tue opinioni politiche,
le tue condizioni personali
e sociali
può essere tollerata.
How can I stay here, knowing my family is not with me?
how can I stay here, knowing my dad doesn’t want me to smile?
I’m sad, I’m fighting, but I’ll lose, I know it
I love him, I wanna be with him
I don’t wanna be just what my father wants
I wanna live my life free without all
this “holy wars”
I’m a boy
and I wanna love
why can’t we just be who we are?
I have a heart, that has a beat,
and I have a soul, that has a dream,
freedom in the wind
me and him can hold within
my family, can’t imagine it
their happiness is money and appearance
why if for this country is ok
my mom and dad want me to change.
Classe 4^ G del Liceo Musica "Regina Margherita" di Palermo ©